Essential Guides on Swine Health and Production Artificial Insemination and Hormone Management in the Sow

    Essential Guides on Swine Health and Production Artificial Insemination and Hormone Management in the Sow
    This guide is a visual and practical explanation of what should happen from the moment when you receive the semen from the artificial insemination centre, until the moment when the sow is inseminated, with a focus on the use of refrigerated semen: conservation and management of seminal doses, oestrus detection, identification of the best time for insemination, insemination methods, and hormonal control of oestrus and ovulation.

    Language: English

    Author/s: María Victoria Falceto Recio

    Release date: 2018

    Pages: 88

    Binding: Soft cover. Wire-o

    Dimensions: 17 X 11

    €37.45 + VAT
    €45.31 VAT included

    Expected Date: 05/06/2024

    Available for sale Quantity

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