Essential guides on swine health and production Control of swine salmonellosis

    Essential guides on swine health and production Control of swine salmonellosis
    This handbook aims to be a useful and practical tool for pig production companies and vets who have to tackle digestive diseases in piglets in their first few days of life.

    It includes chapters on the physiology and immunity of the piglet gastrointestinal tract, and the causes, diagnosis, and control strategies those that are currently available and alternatives that will soon be developed for the main agents that cause neonatal diarrhoea in pigs. The contents are the result of the joint work of renowned specialists with many years experience in enteric diseases in pigs.

    Language: English

    Author/s: Chef du Monde, Eva Creus Gibert, Raúl Carlos Mainar Jaime

    Release date: 2019

    Pages: 92

    Binding: Soft cover. Wire-o

    Dimensions: 17 X 11

    €9.62 + VAT
    €11.64 VAT included

    Expected Date: 05/06/2024

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